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Muay Thai or Thai Boxing,

is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand

The Estonian Muay Thai Federation was founded in 2007. Today EMTF brings together over 20 Thai boxing clubs all over Estonia.


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Muay Thai Liiga 25.01.2025

2024/2025 hooaja kolmas Eesti Muay Thai Liiga ja K-1 Liiga etapp leiab aset 15.-16. veebruaril Arigato Spordikeskuses.

EMTF 05.12.2024

14. detsembril toimuvad Arigato spordikeskuses Eesti Meistrivõistlused Taipoksis.

The Estonian Muay Thai Federation is created by fighters for fighters. Our main goal is to grow the popularity of muay thai boxing in Estonia, and consequently helping the Estonian muay thai fighters to international success by constantly growing and developing the Federation as a support structure for the Estonian fight sport scene.

  • Growing the popularity of muay thai boxing in Estonia
  • International success for Estonian muay thai fighters
  • Constant growth and development of the Federation

Estonian Muay Thai Federation (EMTF) is the leader and developer of the solidary muay thai community. We grow the number of active athletes and viewers in Estonia by basing the federation’s actions on the fundamental values - honesty, tradition, honour, fair play and excellence. EMTF regularly organises courses so the athletes would be guided by highly educated trainers. Modern training conditions and well-organised national competitions allow EMTF to actively attend international competitions with the Estonian delegation, and therefore improve Estonia's reputation and notoriety.

Web Design & Development

Käesoleva arengukava koostamise eesmärgiks on määratleda MTÜ Eesti Muay Thai Föderatsiooni (edaspidi EMTF) peamiste tegevusvaldkondade arenguperspektiivid aastateks 2019-2024.

Vastavalt Põhikirjale on Eesti Muay Thai Föderatsioon ja Maailma Muay Thai Föderatsioon (IFMA) poolt tunnustatud Muaythai ainuesindajaks organisatsiooniks Eesti Vabariigis, olles katusorganisatsiooniks oma liikmetele.

  • Appropriately empower dynamic leadershp
  • Globally myocardinate interactive supply chains
  • Globally revolutionize global sources through